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CI³ Lab @ HKU       

(Collaborative Intelligence with Construction Informatics in Construction Industrialization)


Welcome to the CI³ Lab! We are a team of dedicated researchers who specialize in CI³ at HKU.


The CI³ Lab is directed by Dr. Xiao LI and aims to address the grand interdisciplinary challenges in construction industrialization by developing transdisciplinary approaches in construction informatics to answer the multidisciplinary scientific questions in collaborative intelligence.


CI³ Lab is affiliated with the Department of Civil Engineering at HKU.​


Recent research areas for the vacancies:

(1) Knowledge collaborative intelligence: language models, knowledge graphs, casualty learning, knowledge distillation, semantics enrichment in industrialized construction.

(2) Collaborative scheduling: reinforcement learning combinatorial/stochastic/heuristic-based optimization for production/project scheduling in industrialized construction.

(3) Distributed collaboration: Advanced consensus/incentive mechanism in blockchain, federated learning, and decentralized learning for the distributed industrialized construction.

(4) Collaborative robots: human-robot collaboration, assembly robots, production robotics systems, computer vision, 3D reconstruction, and cable-driven robots in industrialized construction.


Our research works are open-sourced! Explore them on our Lab's GitHub Repository



We are looking for self-motivated talents at different levels, including Postdoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. students, Research Assistants (or Hardware/Software Engineers), and Research (Remote) Interns to work together on various collaborative intelligence topics in industrialized construction.


For salaries:

(1) PhD students:

(2) Postdoctoral fellow:

  • PDF scholarship: ≥ HK$29,000/month

  • RGC Postdoctoral fellowship: ≥ HK$35,000/month

  • Jockey Club Global STEM Post-doctoral Fellowship: ≥ HK$44,000/month.

(3) Research Assistant/Engineers/Interns (case by case)

  • Research assistants, hardware/software engineers, and research interns are welcome to collaborate with us on various research projects (preferably >= 6 months).


If  you're interested in working with us, please drop an email to Please include the following information in your email:

  • Use the email subject as "Position (e.g., PhD, PDF, or RA): Your Name - Your Affiliation."

  • CV (including your publications, transcript with ranking/GPA, and education background).

  • Indicate your research experience and achievements in the email.

  • Indicate your technical and theoretical skills in the email.

Copyright © 2024 CI³Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, HKU. All rights reserved.

+852 2859 2673

Address: HW6-07, Haking Wong Building, HKU

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