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Xiao Li

Assistant Professor

Civil Engineering

​The University of Hong Kong

Address: HW6-07, Haking Wong Building, The University of Hong Kong

Phone: +852 2859 2673

Fax: +852 2559 5337



Professor Xiao LI is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Xiao’s research mainly contributes to smart and industrialized construction, which includes assembly system, production system, and smart work packaging methodology for collaborative planning and control in construction.

He obtained his BEng (2009-2013) and MEng (2013-16) from Chongqing University and did his PhD at HKPolyU (2016-2019). After one year industry experience at Qianhai, Shenzhen (2019-2020), he returned as RGC postdoctoral fellow at HKU (2020-2021) and research assistant professor at HKPolyU (2021-2022). He has authored 50+ papers in peer-reviewed academic journals with           citations . He is a fellow of the SYLFF Association, a National Registered Construction Engineer (Class 1), a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and CIB, and guest editors of several leading journals in construction engineering and management. He held several international academic awards, e.g., 49TH Geneva Inventions Gold Medal, CIC Innovation Award, SYLFF Research Grant Award/Research Abroad Award, CIB Sebestyén Future Leaders Award, ASCE Best Paper Award, CRIOCM best paper award and CIOB (HK) Outstanding Paper Award. 

He led various research projects (over HK$ 6 million) in the following fields:  

  • Blockchain and distributed collaboration 

  • Work package-based scheduling and optimization 

  • Human-robot collaboration-based production robotics system 

  • Intelligent carbon monitoring system 

  • Assembly robot in modular construction 

  • Multi-stakeholder cross-regional collaboration in construction 



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+852 2859 2673

Address: HW6-07, Haking Wong Building, HKU

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